
Can I just use regular cat litter for a rabbit?

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I just got a new rabbit. And I wanna litterbox train him. I have one question though, can I just use scoop away cat litter? Or does it have to be a certain kind?




  1. only use litter based on recycled paper or the best thing is a little hay. Rabbit are double digesters which means they eat their poo (yes its true) and you will notice a darker, moister poo produced then the normal dry pellet type poo. Rabbits are also chewers and if they ingest the crystal/clumping/clay litter which they always do, they can become very very ill.

    My rabbit uses a litter box and I used some dust free wood shavings to soak up the urine then a little straw on top. Rabbits will spend some time sitting in the box as well so only change it once every 24 hours, dont go cleaning too often.

  2. Maybe under a litter pad, like the ones under the cages, but not in a litter box. Because rabbits eat the darker, more moist f***s, because they cannot digest all of their food, all at once. So, if its moist it'll stick to the clumping litter, or cat litter, and if they try to eat it, it will get into their system, and cause a disease, or other health problem. So you could also use:

    small amounts of hay ontop of a little bit of litter

    Shredded paper, or newspaper

    or cedar/pine shavings as a subsitute of the litter

    And if you dont know how to litter-train them, all you do is watch where you rabbit poops and pees, (most likely in a corner, far away from food.-they are really smart, clean animals) and place the litter box there.

    Good luck, and hope that I helped!  : )

  3. any kind my rabbit is litter box trained and ive had him for seven years  

  4. I would not use a cat litter.

    You can get bunny litter at most pet stores and you can use that and bedding and hay to use in the litter box.  

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