
Can I landscape over Verizon's markings before they start digging?

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I am on a corner lot and it is obvious that they are marking my lot for a box or something. It is probably a utility right of way, but it is still my property. So...If I landscape over their markings BEFORE they dig, they will have to build around my landscaping? Right or wrong?




  1. wrong. If its within 10 feet of the curb they have right of way for utility. they can do whatever they want to your property and you have no legal recourse. Call the phone company to confirm your rights before you start your project otherwise you may be wasting your time and money.  

  2. You would be wrong.

    Where I live the public utility right of way is 15 feet from the curb for buried utilities.  IF you plant in that area now that it has been marked, you stand a high likelihood of having you investment flushed down the drain.  IF you had had plantings there before it was marked the utility company most likely would've been required to either relocate their work ( in the case of an established tree or hedge ) or they would relocate your plantings.

    It is still your property and you still have the taxes figured on the right of way just like they are on the rest of the property, but there is bound to be a "public good" clause lurking about that details the size of the right of way and what your rights are.

    The "public good" is also why the phone and power companies can trim trees that are yours, on your property, that interfere with overhead lines.

    It's life in the big city, not always pleasant or pretty.

  3. Sorry but no, they don't have to & they won't go around your landscaping. They are digging their cable in around and between the electric lines, gas lines, TV cable lines, fiber optic lines, etc. Right of ways vary in size and they are something just about all of us have to deal with. Pedestals (the box or something) aren't very attractive, but if you ask they may provide a pedestal that is shaped like a rock, something of that nature.  Keep an eye out and when the construction crew shows up ask about a pedestal that might be a little more visually appealing. They may not have one but they may be able to provide you with a name of someone with the phone or cable company who can help.  

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