
Can I learn Italian on my own?

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I bought this book with CD

yesterday, any other source? is it even possible to learn on my own? how long does it take?




  1. There are free online courses, also, try Michel Thomas, he's very easy to understand because the CD includes real students.

  2. Take a look here:

  3. You can learn on your own thats what I did I got some books and CDs that I taugh myself, but it helps when you are speaking it to other people or using that helps a lot more. I've learning it for the last 3 years and I still dont everything. It depends on how good you are with language. If you know spanish you will pick it up easier because alot of words are similar.

  4. The best self taught language system I've come across is "Pimslure" (Available at Barns & Nobles).  It mostly focuses on spoken and will require about 30min a day.  It also teaches you through interaction (the best way for us to learn) rather than straight memorization and repetition, which is what "roseta stone uses".  

    You might have to find another way to learn the written protion, but with Italian it's not that difficult because like other languages it is based on phonics.  I would recomend you go to a university and buy the italian language text book.  They're pretty easy to read and will explain a few things you need to know about grammer.

    If you're willing put in the effort you can definitely learn enough to carry a conversation.

  5. on your own..i think that's pretty difficult! you know, i am italian and i can speak my language fluently of course, but if i think about our grammar...well, i think it's much more difficult than the english one...certainly your book (especially the CD) will help you, but if you want to speak FLUENT italian, it's better going to a course in your town

  6. Yes you can but only up to a certain point. You have to talk to Italians and preferably be in Italy where you absorb the language without even noticing. I taught myself the basics and I'm going to live in Italy for a few months next year so I can learn authentic Italian which, unfortunately, you can't teach yourself.

    Buona fortuna/ in bocca al lupo :)

  7. hi i'm italian and i'm trying to learn english!! if you want we can talk with  msn !!sorry for my bad english!!


  8. Get the rosetta stone software for Italian, it has helped alot of friends learn new languages.

  9. I'm Italian I'm 17 and live near Milan..if you want I'll be happy to help you..if you have some problems with Italian send me an email to

    i know that Italian is quite difficult to learn, it has lot of grammar..sometimes it's difficult also for us!

    ciao..1 bacio

  10. Ciao, I'm Italian..

    you could visit ...

    It's a FREE language exchange community where you can find an Italian partner who want to learn English, so it can be useful for both.

    It's easy and people are friendly.

    Good luck!

    beta, a Sharedtalk's member.

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