
Can I learn hypnosis?

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I have heard hypnosis is taught on a medical school, is it true? Can a common person like me learn doing it or does it have special requirements? Is it safe when done without prior experience under supervision?

Or is it all just one big myth?




  1. Hi,

    I am not sure if you can learn about hypnosis in medical school, but I know a website that will teach you to do hypnosis.

    There's a video on that website that I really want to take a look at.

  2. I'm building my knowledge on the subject....  There is plenty of available information on hypnosis and a few active practioners who are very generous with their knowledge.

    Like any skill, learning requires three elements....

    1)  Good instruction

    2)  Diligence in studying and practice

    3)  Talent

    It is said that "talent" is the least important of the three.  It can make the learning easier the more talent one has, but it is not as necessary as the other two.  

    Anyone can learn something IF they are willing to put in the effort.

    As for safe....  It is merely a heightened form of focused attention on a particular reference point.  Have you ever been so engrossed in a movie that your feelings mirror those of the characters?  Ever been driving and become so preoccupied with your thoughts that you missed a turn or an exit?  Those are forms of hypnosis.  

    You just have to go beyond the myth to understand the reality of it.  That is the challenge.

  3. no

  4. Hypnotism is not taught  in medical schools. Any person can learn it. Magicians are the best hypnotists.They are not doctors.It is safe. It is a science not a myth.
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