
Can I learn to handspring without a live teacher?

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I want to teach myself to handspring, but I don't know if it's safe. also, If you could give me directions that would help a lot.




  1. I suppose -- i have my handspring but i've been doing gymnastics for 8 years now.....

    The main thing you need is power to get from your hands over to your feet. If you can get to a garden trampoline that can help you a lot to start off.. if not get a really soft mat or mattress out to your garden or something, its much harder learning it on dead ground though so i really do recommend going too a gym..

    I can barely do it on the grass, but have no problems on the tumbling track..

  2. I think you can! I've been in tumbling for about 3 months and moved so I am going to start again soon sometime. I learned to do most things by myself, like back walkovers...I can remember the time I tried it on my own in my room..I was so scared! I have learned so much by my self..I nearly have my back handspring which I have been successfully practicing in my room on my floor with 2 pillows! xD

    Well..when you say handspring, I think of doing a handspring forward. I have not worked on it before, but if I were you, I would take the risk.. :\

    Do it in steps...don't rush. Like if you were learning a back handspring, you would learn to do a back walkover first. And then you would practice jumping in to it (A little bedding and mattress would do the job) .

    A few tips for a handspring:

    Practice doing front walkovers and until you can kind of run into in and do it quite fast (I learned this one day outside on a bit of a slopey hill)

    Well good luck! Remember to stretch!  

  3. abosuetly not. I was in gymnastics for a 4 years and trust me there are dangers. Just go to any gym and they have open nights. They can help you with your tumbeling. ANd its free. so just spend a night or two and you will havea it

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