
Can I learn to sing without a teacher.?

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Is it possible to learn to sing without having a teacher? I already know about notes and pitches and so on from being in band, now all I need to know is if I can sing with practice. I know your vocals are like muscles so can anyone help? Maybe some tips and exercises?




  1. Hey, i have been singing since primary school and now im in secondary. I now sing with a big band and i learnt how to sing and also play the piano by myself. I now have a vocal tutor but thats for GCSE Music but anyway try going up and down the scales and search   or .com depends where you are and look for vocal books and try some songs for Male voices

    good luck

  2. Go to a website starting with You and ending with Tube and type in singing lessons. There are professionals who will post lessons. You won't be able to get personal feedback, but it does  help.

  3. Go on and watch different videos from professional singing coaches...I DID! And it helped me perfect my pitch/tone and how I hold my notes by watching different videos on YouTube and practicing everyday! So good luck.. :-)

  4. I strongly advise working with a Vocal Coach to avoid damage to your vocal chords.

  5. i know you can get tuition books from the library or amazon, although i don't know any specific titles

    I've always sung in choirs and stuff, without a singing teacher and got into one of the top amateur youth operatic societies in the UK, so it can be done!!!


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