
Can I leave my 11 yr old in charge of my 7 yr old for 30 mins??

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This fall when school starts my 11 yr old step-son & 7 yr old son will beat me home from school. This is will only be for ONE day & only for about 30 minutes. My stepson's mother has allowed him to stay by himself with his 13 yr old cousin all day--ALONE. They didn't burn the house down and yet they didn't starve either. I'm just wondering if I should let him be in charge of my 7 yr old for about 30-45 mins until I get home. Normally I wouldn't consider this, but he has been home alone before and he knows all the drills already. His mother assures me they would be fine, but I've never left my kids alone except to go to mail box or something like that. Both kids are very reliable and trustworthy. They have assured me that they can do it and will call me if they need something. My husband & his ex both think it will be fine. What do you think? Is it a good idea?




  1. Although it may actually be fine and they would most likely be safe I do believe it is against the law and you would be taking a big risk in doing so. Check the legal age for babysitting before you do this because it could come back to bite you badly and something so innocent could be turned into something ugly.

  2. All you need to do is call in your local area and see what the age is to be allowed for you child to stay home alone. Actually where I live there is no age! I was shocked!! I myself thought like the other person on here it was the law they had to be a teenager!

    My children are 8 and 6 and I leave them home with my 14 yr old brother when I go grocery shopping! Because I hate dragging them there with me.  But my children are well behaved and my brother is very mature. Every child is different.

    Good luck with that one.... you have a neighbor that can check in on them?

  3. yeah its fine. 30-45 min isnt that long and for one day. leave something for them to snack on and if he is responsible and mature it will be ok


  5. its just a half hour, why would they need a meal, if they want they can eat a snack.

    Seriously I dont know what is wrong with the people that say 11 is too young, I stayed home alone ever since I was 9 years old during the summer time. You dont need to higher a baby sitter, he is old enough to take care of himself for 45 minutes.

    If he can go to school all day, then why cant he stay at home for 45 minutes

  6. That should be fine. When they arrive at home, have the 11 year old call you at work or on your cell phone to let you know that they made it home also talk to the 7 year old as well. Have them make a snack and when they finish, have them watch television or start on their homework until you arrive at home.

  7. I think they will be long as he can be responsible (as much as an 11 year old can be), and they get's not for that long..

  8. I think it will be ok.........30 minutes is not that long. Also if you have a neighbor nearby ask tell them the situation and they can help keep an eye on the kids. Just tell them no friends over until you get home. Reward them if they get there homework done in that time. Have a sanck waiting for them.

  9. It's perfectly fine. Just let any neighborhood friends(adults) know of the situation.

  10. No. You can't reasonably leave an 11 year old in charge of a younger child. You can only leave them if you'd happily leave the 7 year old alone. 11 and 13 is a different matter altogether.

    One day, for half an hour? Grovel to your neighbour or the mum of one of your kid's friends.

  11. I think that it is fine if you leave them alone for up to an hour. They won't need meals or any thing. It should be fine if you trust them both and they both know the drill. They will be fine for a half hour alone.

    Make sure that they have phone numbers to call in case of emergency.

  12. I don't think that's a very good idea.

    It'd be a lot safer to get a babysitter / family member to look after them, even if it's just for 30 minutes.

  13. if they booth  go to the school they should be fine just tell them they cant go outside are have any friends over .tell them you willl call them.

  14. yeah they will be fine.

  15. 11 is to young find a sitter

  16. Don't know what state you are in. You will NEVER find a law that prohibits what you are suggesting. Personally, I would try it. IF, these two are mature.  And it really takes both of them to be on board. The 11 yr old can call when he gets home and heck, even leave the phone on speaker so you can monitor the whole time.  The key is you saying they are reliable and trustworthy.  I would also reward them once a month with a special trip or prize or something.  When my daughter was 11 she probably was more responsible than her 13 yr old brother. Take it one day at a time. It sounds like the whole family is on board and that makes it better.

  17. In certain states, leaving children of that age alone can get them taken into protective custody. Be careful.

  18. No, in order for a child to be responsible for another child the oldest has to be at least 12.  But you can risk it...if CPS finds out you and your husband will be charged with childn neglect and endangerment and your children will be placed into foster care.  Your 11 year old CAN be home alone for that amount of time.  I suggest finding a sitter for the 7 year old.

  19. First I would check out your state's laws regarding which age children can be left home alone without a parent. In my state, a child can be left alone at home at the age of 10.

    My oldest daughter had just turned 11 when I had my 2nd daughter. She took a babysitting training course and would look after her younger sister for a few minutes here and there (e.g., when I would run to the grocery store). This arrangement was fine in my state and I also felt comfortable regarding the maturity level of my oldest daughter.

    So, check out the laws in your state. If 11 is "legal" to be left home alone and looking after a sibling, I would then consider the maturity level of your 11 year old and decide from there.

  20. you have to think about the following things:

    is the 11 year old responsible

    is the 7 year old responsible

    do they fight

  21. I have 4 boys, 13  yr old twins (turning 14 Oct 1st) , an 11 yr old and an 8 yr old and I have allowed my 13 yr old twins to watch my 8 yr old for about 30 minutes tops while I run up to the store but I would never leave my 11 yr old home alone with my 8 yr old. Even though my 11 yr old is a straight A student and very mature for his age, I think he would panic in an emergency and you never know what could happen.

    I don't think kids should be left responsible for younger children until they are at least 13 and mature.

  22. kind of like me and my brother. he is turing 7 and i'm turning 11 this fall!!! I think a 13 yr old id responcible unless they did something bad (burn the house down) I wouldn't let them over there

  23. My local hospital holds classes that train 11 yr old and up to be responsible babysitters inclucing, cpr, how to make healthy snacks, activities etc.  You should look into that.  I started watching all three of my younger brothers around eleven and we all survived.  :)  Trust your instincts you know your kids better than anyone else. Good luck!

  24. no im 11 and my lil bro is 8 and if we are left alone even for a second we start a huge fist fight and usually he starts crying so yes to answer your question it would be a bad idea :P

  25. It would more than likely be ok.. But I would not do it. Something could happen and eleven is still too young. I think the law says they have to be at least fifteen or something. I am not sure on that. I would be getting a sitter.

  26. it would be fine just tell them while you are not home they are to come in the house and do their home work and then watch tv till you get home.

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