
Can I leave my two 8 week old kittens alone for the day?

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Hi I have two 8 week old kittens who I have hand nursed since they were just under three weeks old. They are eating on their own. Dry kitten food a couple times a day and about a quarter can each of wet food mixed with formula 4 times a day. Plus they drink water on their own etc. My question in tomorrow I am going to be gone for about 11 or 12 hours. I have never left my kittens alone for more then like 1 or 2 hours. Is it okay to leave them alone for the day if I just them dry food and water? Or do they still need the formula and wet food that often? I am not going to be gone for more than the one day but I still am scared to leave them alone. Any answers would be appreciated. :) Thanks in advanced.




  1. There are a lot of things in your house that could potentially hurt them. For example, electrical cords, toxic cleaning products, yarns/strings, just to name a few.  Make sure you hide all of them.  Best thing is to put them in the bathroom with food and water, and put away chemicals and strings.  

    Good luck!

  2. You sound like a wonderful momma/daddy! Don't worry about leaving the kits alone for the day. Leave them dry food and plenty of fresh water. If you want to give them wet food before you leave that would be good too.

    They will be waiting for your return and so they will for many years to come. Kits can be very self sufficient and mature cats are even moreso, as you can leave grown cats for 2 or 3 days with proper food and water.

    Congrats on being a very concerned cat lover!

  3. no way

  4. as long as there is food and water,all windows are shut or if very  hot day leave a little bit open so they can get some air,make sure their are no sharp objects lying around,and if possible leave the radio on low or tv..but they may not even know you are gone because they probably be sleeping for the best part of the day while you are not their..and just make sure you make a big fuss of them when you come home.

  5. Well, I would be getting a neighbour or friend to check up on them every so often and leaving them everything they need. I've never had kittens that young so thats about it :) good luck!.

  6. I would just leave the food down for them. If you are near a neighbor you can trust you can ask them to check on them.before you leave just feed them the formula and wet food. But with out it they should be fine. They will eat what they have. I dont think they need to have formula or the wet food if they are steady on the dry food. I hope that you have a good time. You can leave them and they should be fine.

  7. I nursed my cats from 3 week old kittens, and I lived alone and had to go to work, so they were in their room by themselves from the beginning. If they eat dry food, that's fine. they're old enough to. Just leave it out for them.  

  8. no i dont think its ok what if the litter isent clean what if they want to go out side what if they need to bee fed so i say no

  9. yes or maybe if you don't want them running around the house put them i  room

    ~GOOD LUCK!!*

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