
Can I legally change my last name when getting a divorce?

by  |  earlier

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I want to change my last name to my step fathers last name not my maiden name can I do this? If I can what is the legal description?




  1. Yes you can change your name legally to whatever you want.

    Names can be changed both through the courts or common usage. Through the court is better as you will have less problems with credit and other legal transactions.

    To change it through a court process

    your lawyer can assist you or you can check with your local county court yourself, or check your State statutes in a law library to find out your States requirements.  Which court oversees this process depends on the state; it could be civil, probate or superior court.

    The normally proceedure usually is that a

    A petition for change of name is filed with the court, whereby an order granting the change of name would be issued by the Judge. Followed by notice to the public (an advertisement in the local newspaper)

    I would recommend checking with your divorce lawyer-he has probably done name changes many times in the past.

    Good luck.



  2. yes it might cost you money but you can change your name just contact a lawyer and he or she can help you with this.  Good luck with your divorce.

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