I have a daycare and I have an employee that I have had to talk to before about talking on her cell phone for personal calls excessively. I have also caught her dozing off a few times. Yesterday I assume that she dozed off in her class as a child was hurt and she didn't realize it. When I came running to her class, she gave me some story about how the child got hurt, (he fell and landed on his butt). Once I got to the child I see that there is blood on his hand. I cleaned it only to discover that he needed to have stiches. I can't prove she was dozing, but I do have proof (from parents and photos I have personally taken) proving that she has been falling asleep. She was shadowed for the rest of the day and I fired her this morning based on what has happened. I want to know if I'm wrong and if I am going to be forced to allow her to collect unemployment raising my percentage when she was at fault? Is the evidence that I have enough? Please help.