
Can I legally serve my under age child alcohol in my home?

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Can I legally serve my under age child alcohol in my home?




  1. No,  

  2. No.  

  3. why would you want to? you're a great role model.

  4. if it's legal where you live then yes

  5. I don't get why people think that's such a bad idea. It doesn't make you an irresponsible parent if you are trying to teach your child to drink responsibly. Isn't it better for kids to be introduced to alcohol by their parents instead of their college buddies?

  6. Depends on State law.

    "You must be 21 to drink" is one of the most commonly held myths in American law.

    In 'most' States, you can - but your OWN kids only, not other peoples, and you can be charged with child endangerment if they get drunk.

    In most States, though, it's legal for under 21's to have a glass of wine or beer with dinner in their own home, with their own parents.


  7. NO! It's great to see that parents are so fu@king irresponsible.

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