
Can I legally take my truck back?

by  |  earlier

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I let my cousin take my truck and he left me his car. We had a verbal agreement that if either of us didn't like the vehicle after a week then we would have to trade back. I now want my truck back but i'm worried that he won't give it back. Can i go to his house and take it with my spare key?




  1. did he register your truck in his name? are the plates on the truck his? This question sounds wacky so go take the truck and anything else in reach.

  2. Who has legal right to it.....did you sign off the Title?

    If you did sign off, then you'd need a legal contract to enforce the deal you made.

  3. Who holds the title?

    If the title is still in your name, then it is your truck.

    Of course, you could try ASKING him first.

  4. If you did not sign the title over to him, you can legally go take your truck back. If you signed the title, there isn't much you can do. The car is his now.

  5. Who owns it?

    Whoever is on the registration owns the vehicle.  If it's yours, ask for it back.  If he refuses, then yes, you can take it, although entering his proerty is trespassing, and in some states he can defend his property.

  6. Verbal agreements are not legally enforceable.  It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to give it back.  But don't go sneaking around.  Tell him you want the truck back, ask him where he wants his car parked and where to meet him to give him his keys, then do so.  If he still won't give you back the truck, do not keep the car.  Call the police and report the truck stolen.

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