
Can I legaly transport a friends son a short distance without a booster seat?

by  |  earlier

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I have made arrangements to go to the cinema wit a friend of mine and his son. My friend doesn't drive, and usually uses the bus. I have a car and would much prefer to use it, but am aware of the laws regarding booster seats for children. As I have no children myself, obviously I don't own a booster seat. Does this mean we have to go to the expense and inconvenience of travelling on the bus? (where, incidentally, there are no seatbelts, let alone booster seats) I imagine it does, but can anyone confirm this, because I think I'm in for an argument about it tomorrow.




  1. A fairground roller coaster doesn't travel far. Would you ride on one without a safety harness? The law is there for a reason. There is only one answer to your question. You cannot transport a child below the legal height, no matter how close or far the destination.

  2. This is the law:

    Three exceptions allow these children to travel in the rear and use an adult belt :-

    in a taxi, if the right child restraint is not available;

    for a short distance in an unexpected necessity, if the right child restraint is not available;

    where two occupied child seats in the rear prevent the fitment of a third child seat

    So I guess in the unlikely event of being stopped you could say it was an "emergency".

  3. Depends on age and size of child. Kids 5 and up don't legally have to travel  in a booster seat. (at least not here, check your state)

    You can pick one up for $20, use it and return it....but that's a little shady.

  4. It depends on his size and your local laws.

  5. its rare to get stopped for this but you are against the law if you transport a child in your car under a certain height - usually the height is up to a child of around 8 or 9!

    As the driver you would have to pay the fine not the mum.  Police may not fine you if you explain but reason behind boosters seats is that child can suffer extreme internal injuries if in accident as belt cuts into them unlike in an adult.  

    Buses and taxis are exempt from needing booster seats

  6. yes it is highly illegal to transport a child without proper harness. but boster seats aren't that expensive

  7. It's illegal.

    How many times (even in public safety adverts on TV) do you think that after a crash the driver said "But it was only just down the road"?

    It's not because I don't sympathise with you in a difficult situation. It's just a case of how you could live with yourself if something happened?

  8. There is nothing to say that there is less of a chance of you having a rta close to home , the opposite is often the case as we get to accustom to our local roads and take more chances , belt the child in on a booster , if not for the legal reason do it for the safety reason.

  9. No, there is nothing to confirm, it is illegal and unsafe....

  10. I used to be a taxi driver and I know that taxis and minicabs are exempt from having booster or child seats. I also know that if you have 3 children in the back of a 5 seat car you do not have to have a child seat for the oldest child. I would think that for your situation though, as you are not a licensed mini cab nor do you have 3 children in the back (do you?) you would legally need a booster seat - but you would only get into trouble if you had an accident or got stopped but can you live your life by "what ifs"?

  11. Hi

    I assume this is a UK question

    the highway code is a bit vague on the use of booster seats

    but try this



    go to 89-102 rules for drivers & motorcyclists

    then scroll down to

    seat belt requirements

    hope this helps a little

    best wishes

  12. go by bus.only taxis can take kids without booster seats

  13. If the child is of an age or size where the law requires the use of a booster seat then you need a booster seat. Simple as that.

  14. NO. It's like saying: "can I use the carpool lane alone only for a short distance" or "can I go 100MPH for only a few miles"

    Obey the law or risk a ticket.

  15. big no

  16. Even though your friend doesn't have a car doesn't mean they wont have a booster seat. You may find that in fact it is cheaper to use the bus anyway. Petrol is at a premium right now.

  17. No you can't. With the amount it costs for bus fares these days you may as well invest in a booster seat, you can get 1 for about £10 if you look around.

  18. just sit him on your lap he be fine

  19. The law states that only in extreme circumstance, if it is a one off and for a short journey, it is allowed.  personally i'd rather take the bus, its not that expensive and it will save you an argument!  I'm a car driver and am lucky enuf to have spare booster seats but i would still take the bus on this one occasion.

  20. You know the law ----- tell us the state you live in and are there city laws or do you all just run around with six shooters like they do in Texas --- the expense of the bus is probably equal to the cost of driving your car and the parking lot fee --- either you need to respect the rules or you should have your friend sit in the back seat and hide the kid on the floor in the back --- is there a law about putting the kid in  the trunk ???? --- Ride the BUS....

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