
Can I let someone use my car thats insured to get their license without putting them on my insuranse?

by  |  earlier

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Its in the state of N.C.




  1. Generally anyone living in your household would need to be listed on your insurance to be covered.  So does he/she live with you?

  2. Yes, you can.

  3. If someone over the age of 25 who doesn't live in your household borrows your car with your permission, they are covered under your policy.

    If it's someone in your household, they would have to be added to be covered.

    *Most* policies restrict it to drivers 25 or older, so check with your agent to be sure if the person is under that age.

  4. Yes, but only if he is not a regular driver of that car. But you should check with your insurance company because each company's rules differ.

    If you are afraid they'll require that the person go on your policy, then letting the person drive without it would definitely put you and your car at risk. At best, your insurance company would not cover you if the person had an accident. At worst, the insurance company wouldn't help you if the person caused an accident and hurt or killed someone -- and you were sued in court.

    Good luck.

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