
Can I line a guinea pig cage with old clothes?

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I was about to throw out a bunch of clothes when the idea just dawned on me that I could use them for the lining of my guinea pig cage. I plan to throw these clothes as liners each week when I clean the cage, so why not use them as a liner to my guinea pig cage? Of course I will be removing all metal and plastic pieces such as buttons and zippers. Offhand I do not think cotton t-shirts are a problem, but what about poly blend, polyester, denim. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

Please advise.




  1. There's no real problem using your old clothes as liners.  Just make sure there aren't any fabric issues that can cause your guinea pig to snag a nail on.  Since most clothing fabrics will eventually fray, you probably won't be able to use each item for very long.  That being said, it sounds like you have a bunch of extras, so that shouldn't be a problem.  The types of fabrics shouldn't really matter, just watch to make sure your GP isn't eating it.

    I use towels in my rat cage and I love it.  The urine gets absorbed and I can just wash the towels once a week.  They also like to just lay on the floors to nap occasionally since it's so comfy and plush.  I don't know if you have your GP litter trained, but you might want to try that as well.  It is nice to have your animal p**p and pee in a tray/bin filled with litter (CareFresh in your case).  It still sucks up the smell and moisture, but you use much much less than covering the whole cage.

    "If you use towels or other fabric as bedding, cages must be cleaned more often.  Urine does not absorb into fabric the way it does in bedding and p**p does not get burried either.  If you use fabric, the fabric should be run through the laundry machine at least twice every week and p**p should be scooped or swept out of the cage at least every other day.... Towels, pillow cases, fleece, rags, and other fabric (this is much cheaper but must be changed at least twice each week; shake out the towles and pillow cases and wash them in the laundry machine; make sure your pig cannot climb inside pillow cases--you don't want her to get stuck and suffocate or hurt herself)"

    Hope that helps!

  2. I just dont think that clothes will absorb like Care Fresh does.

  3. just for a little while and then wash it because it can pee and poo on it and then it gets smelly and can give the guinea pig a disease like my old hamster.  i would but just for a few days then wash them .

       thank u

  4. I would stick with the carefresh and put your clothes in a clothing bank to be recycled. It probably wouldn't be especially hygienic and would be easier to use carefresh in the long run.

  5. Well  most people seem to use fleece since it wicks away moisture and doesnt fall apart in threads that could catch a piggies foot.

    Why not go here and look at some of their cages for ideas?

  6. I wouldn't recommend it. You would have to be careful of the dyes in the clothes as they may harm the guinea pig.

    Also they would become sodden with urine very quickly and that would be very smelly.

    It is better to stick to a small animal safe bedding as this is developed with the animal in mind and is therefore safe for them.

  7. I would not use clothing or any cloth as lint or cloth can get caught in their throat while they chew. Cloth will expand much more than paper or woodchips when wet and could cause choking!! Plus some synthetic fibers, even the ones in tshirts will plug the digestive tract and cause an intestinal blockage which is always fatal. I would stick with materials that are meant for small pets that chew.  I would not use or old clothes for that pupose, there are a lot of people that can use your old clothes.

    However here is a way you can earn money off your old clothes and use the money to buy new ones or offset the cost of the bedding you buy at the pet store.  Plus your old clothes will be put to good use by helping others. Here are my suggestions for your clothes.

    1. If they are in good shape you can sell them over EBay!

    2. Second hand thrift stores will buy them.

    3. Have a garage sale.

    4. Sell to a friend that does flea markets or sells used clothing.

    5. Sell to your friends.

    6. If any of it fits me or my family, I may be interested in your old clothes! (I am totally serious!)

    Here are some good solutions that will not earn you money.

    1. Give to a friend or relative.

    2. Give to a charitable thrift store.

    3. Give to a church.

    4. Give to a homeless shelter.

    I hope this helps, but whatever you do. Please do not throw them away even if they are not in the best of shape!! There are already too many nice or still wearable clothes rotting in landfills. :)

    I hope this help and please read my profile if you have any more questions. :)

  8. That would get very smelly very quickly.

    If you were to do this, you would have to take the dirty clothes out every day because the guinea pig/s would very quickly get sore feet from this.


  9. I dont see why not if you remove any buttons or sharp points like you said and you keep them clean. Go for it as along as guinea doesnt decide to gnaw at them.

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