
Can I look cool when dancing if I'm not slender?

by Guest21148  |  earlier

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I'm not fat, but I have meso/endomorphic body type. In all street/club dance videos I've seen on internet, dancers were quite slim. Does it mean that only slim people have chances to look cool when dancing hip-hop, etc?..




  1. OF COURSE! I have the same body type, I'm just muscular. There are gonna be some dances you won't like seeing yourself in, but if you love dancing or that type of dance that much, you won't care when you're dancing; trust me.

  2. You can definitely look cool dancing, no matter what your size! Did you ever see Chubby Checker dance the twist? Or Rikki Lake dance in "Hairspray?" It's the quality of the dancing, not the size of the dancer!

  3. h**l YA!!!!!!! u go boy!!!!!!

  4. You can be a great dancer even though you are not a stick! What you wear can make you look thinner and if you are great at dancing no one will care. For example: Season 2 SYTYCD Donyelle she was not the tinnest but she made it to the finale!

  5. HELLO! Uhhh yeah! :) Just so you know, not all skinny girls look good dancing! Some people on the more heavy side look better than some of the slender girls! Trust me anyone can look cool while dancing LIKE YOU! :) As long as you give is your all and aren't shy to POP IT! Haha. Have you seen Hairspray or High School Musical? Watch those movies. They have girls that are big that CAN MOVE TO THE GROOVE forreal! :) keep dancing! :) Hope I helped!

  6. of course you can...! you look cool if you are good and by dancing alot it will tone you up!

    so theres no need to worry any body type can do it!

  7. well of course u can!! anyone can..ur size doesn't matter at all so don't worry bout it..just have fun

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