
Can I look up public utility records online? If so where? If not online where?

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I'm trying to find out how much electricity my school used last year. I know that utilities for individual estates and homes are public record (remember the controversy over Al Gore's energy bill), but I'm not sure how to access this information or if it can be obtained for schools and businesses.




  1. Good question, as I know that individuals and businesses can be checked through the public records of their local utility. You might need to file some kind of request stating why you feel a need to know, but it can be done. Schools are government facilities and it would probably be done in the same way through the local utility, but will probably require a stronger need to know than for an individual or business. Best people do this would be the investigative reporter for one of your local radio or TV stations that likes to reveal government misdoing.

  2. Contact the electricity company, they'll know (and it'll depend on the utility anyway).

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