
Can I loose these 8-9 lbs if I switch to being a vegetarian?

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I need to loose it, and this weight is stubborn. Wil being a vegetairian help me any?




  1. It might help but you still need to eat the right foods and exercise.

    Somebody burp the baby already.

  2. no. you need to start exercising more and eating healthy. you dont necessarily need to become a vegetarian.

  3. You do not have to be a vegetarian at all to lose weight. You would be surprised how much you can lose if you don't eat from fast food and take out places.  Don't eat to where you overstuff yourself but just enough to satisfy your hunger and if your body isn't toned run a mile or two every other day to trim the fat. If you don't do that stay active!

  4. I lost 30 pounds this summer by watching what I ate VERY closely. [And with no exersize what-so-ever.]

    Try eating boneless, skinless chicken for dinner [not friedd] with a baked potato and some diet soda.

    For breakfast, try slimfast or cherios.

    Lunch, try a deli-meat sandwhich with a salad and fruit or even a reduced-fat pizza [not the whole thing, silly.]

    It worked for me.

    I do weight watchers.

    And I'm so happy I lost the 30 pounds.

    My sophmore year was so much better!!

    It should take maybe 3-4 weeks to lose the weight if you do it smartly.

    Good luck hun.

    [If you just watch the colorie, dietary fiber [you want lots], and fat content of foods, you should be good to go for losing any amount of weight.]

  5. dont become a vegetarian just to lose it for the animals and just to have a healthier body...not looking for a diet...

  6. It might help but you still need to eat the right foods and exercise.

    I'm neither a vegetarian, vegan or pescetarian. This gives me ample credentials to answer ALL vegetarian questions.

  7. kill the junk carbs and cut your intake  about 1/3rd to 1/2 of what you've been eating ..if you've been pigging out ...I did a modified atkins just watching the carbs and doing a freedom on the proteins without going nuts on them ....I found the problem in the us is still a sugar problem   ...after looking at the info  on the corn this and corn that  in everything and seeing what a vegetable can do to you as a suigar....makes you scratch your head ...excersize is so important that I'm willing to say if you excersize enough than you can eat whatever you want and drink like a fish and smoke  like a chimney ..thats how valuable real excersize is ... unfortunately  no one does it...

  8. yes if you do exercise least 30 minutes if you can do more better....

    im going to do that too i need it as well...good luck =]

  9. Vegetarianism is not a weight loss regime. There are vegetarians of all shapes and sizes, including overweight ones.

    The same old rules about healthy eating apply, whether you are a vegetarian or not.

    Over the years I have both lost and gained weight as a meat-eater, as a vegetarian and as a vegan.

    **Wouldn't it make a nice change if (**) made an actual contribution to this board, instead of copying and pasting another user's answers and then taunting him for not being a vegetarian?

    Especially as s/he's not a vegetarian either. Unimaginative, repetetive, tedious AND hypocritical - the whole package!

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