
Can I lose like 10 lbs in 2 months eating 1300 calories?

by  |  earlier

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and maybe just doing yoga/pilates. im not going to run but walk. im like 5'5'' 120 now




  1. You wouldn't even have to wait 2 months.  You can safely lose 10lbs in as little as 3-4 weeks.

  2. you should be able to lose almost 20 in two months but the calorie intake is going to be individual, you have to figure out your personal caloric intake versus expenditure, it goes by s*x, weight, lifestyle, and expenditure etc

  3. i don't need too. You a under wieght you should talk to a doctor about it first

  4. you don't need to lose 10 pounds...i would advise eating more than 1300 for the matter of staying healthy. you're already on the lowest end of a BMI chart...and you would burn around 1300 calories every day just sitting around doing nothing. I actually doubt you would lose weight if you did that, since you have basically no weight to lose.

  5. 120 lbs at 5'5" is ideal for you.  You shouldn't be trying to lose any weight.  Try to maintain where you are now and you'll have a very healthy life.

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