
Can I lose my contacts in my eye ?!?

by  |  earlier

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I wear contacts most of the day &nd I tend to forget I have them on, so when I was my face and remove my eye makeup I rub my eyes_;; &nd my contacts go waaaaay outta place and up towards my eye and it takes me a while to get them out im scared that they might go all the way toward the back of my eye is that possible ?




  1. look in your case or in the other eye.

  2. yes. happened to someone i know. they generally shouldn't travel all the way to the back of your eye but if you rub hard enough, it can. it can be quite dangerous too and in realy bad cases, you need surgery to remove them.

  3. yes it can, it happenens most to people who sleep with their contacts on, because when you sleep, you eyeballs go up, and sometimes the contacts stay back there. and yeah, you need surgery to get it out. so be careful.

    dont rub your eyes too much!

  4. Contacts can get stuck under your lids, but they cannot get to the back of your eye.  Your eye has a layer called the conjunctiva that keeps this from happening.  Just take them out before you take your makeup off.

  5. No they can not go behind your eye.You have a membrane just at the back of your lids that will prevent anything from travailing behind your eye.The farthest they can go is under your eye lid.If they slip just close your eye and roll your eye they should center again.Also try blinking rapidly.If all else fails take your solution ans squirt it under your lid to flush it out.

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