
Can I lose weight without exercise?

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If I consume 1300 calories a day but don't do any vigorous exercise (just daily things like cleaning and walking), can I still lose weight and more specifically, inches?




  1. ya, if you eat healthy food, if you eat until your satisfied not full and if you try not to eat too many snacks. =]

  2. Yes. I wouldn't count calories to achieve the daily intake. Grams of carbs, protein and fat should be considered. High protein, low carb, very low fat, plenty of fruits, veggies and water. Balance each meal and stick to the plan.

  3. You can, but it will be a much slower process. Exercise really halps the process

  4. Well, if you just stop eating. No really you will just maintain the weight if you keep eating the same calories and don't exercise. I am 5' 3" I eat 1200 calories a day I also walk. Walking is not hard and it does

    burn calories.  If you would try doing 1200 calories every other day

    and try just a bit of exercise you may see the weight drop.  Also

    exercise makes you feel better. You may be out running before long.The best of luck.

  5. 1300 cals a day should make you lose weight.. but ou wont firm up and youll lose muscle mass.

  6. You'll lose some if its a big difference from your normal calorie intake, but you wont see much results if you dont exercise also.

  7. yes

    that's possible because I did it.just eat less

    i lost about 4 kilos in a week or two and I just ate less

    I'm 15,don't know if it can be related to age

  8. Sure, but what you intake will matter all the way, but it'll be slow weight losing; but it's possible.

  9. depends how your metabolism is.

    younger people have naturally faster metabolisms unless illness or diet has inhibited it

    i think 1300 cals will slow down your metabolism so you might lose weight at first, then go into a plateau. much better to vary your daily cals each day. one day have 1300. the next have 1800. the next have 1500. then 2000.etc.

    please help with my question!;...

  10. Possibly... but it probably won't be anything dramatic.  

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