
Can I major in African Studies and still be Pre-Med?

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I am a first time freshman at a univeristy and want to know if I can major in African Studies and still be Pre-Med??

And has anyone majored in African Studies? If yes, what is it like. This major is a new found interest of mine.




  1. Pre-professional studies aren't a major. So you have the choice of a major and still can study both.  

  2. Yes you can. And here's a secret..most medicals schools prefer you to major in other subjects. Plus if Medical school doesn't work out, it's best to have a back up!

  3. It depends on the university. I go to U of Michigan and they do not consider Pre-Med as an actual major (we call them your concentration, instead of your major). So your actual concentration would be biology or chemistry or psychology or whatever, but you would consider yourself Pre-Med if you are taking the classes that are the prerequisites for Med school.

    So yes, you could be an African Studies major and still be Pre-Med. However, your plate will probably be pretty full considering you will be taking classes for your major in addition to the science/math requirements for Med school.

    I was an art history major, and had classes with people in the African Studies department and all I can say is that if its interesting to you, you will enjoy it. I'm starting nursing school in the fall, so I am proof that you can have an unrelated major that you find interesting and still pursue further education in a completely different discipline.

    Good Luck!!

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