
Can I make a miniature indoor fire?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, Im kind of a pyromanic so I enjoy seiing fire. My question is: Can I make a minature fire on my desk if I only have a cork plate (you know the thing you put under pots and other hot stuff) under it. Im only burning paper but im concerned that maybe the ceeling will catch on fire or maybe the tin can melts or everything explodes up in my face all of a sudden.

Please give me some advice on this dangerous game of mine. THANKS




  1. Do not set fires indoors!!!  It may seem ok at first but fires can get out of control very easy.  If you are going to set a fire indoors, you should have one or two very good fire extinguishers and a phone near by to call 911 if it gets out of hand.  Oh, and a way to get out of the room if the door gets blocked by fire.

  2. Stop watching The Office on TV.

  3. Buy a miniature oil lamp with the round wick.You should check it before you purchase it to determine if the wick rolls up and down easily then take it outside to play with it!

  4. my advice is don' is dangerous............X

  5. Advice: get help.

  6. Just look at the candle

  7. ARE YOU SERIOUS ?WOW  bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T DO IT!   i hope you become a firefighter! then you can play with fire indoors.

  8. Another reason not to have a fire inside your room. Fire needs oxygen to live, if you have your door and windows shut it will use all the oxygen in the room, you will get sick and eventually die! It happens every year in the winter with people who try to use BBQ's to heat their homes!

  9. here we go again. I'm far crazier pyro then you.

    roll the paper in to a tight ball then put some clay  on the bottom of the paper ball fold it about 1/3 the way up. dip the paper end in rubbing  alcohol.

    your celling shouldn't catch on fire just do in the bath room or just go out side to dissipate the fumes.

    the tin can will not melt but it can explode if you put flammable stuff in it like sprays or acetylene gas but thats if the fumes are high don't have it pressurized.

    but heres some real advice do it out side and have a bucket of water. or just have a BBQ.

    Play with fire and get burned.

  10. A candle and a match

  11. You Are Right; it is a "Dangerous GAME"...!!

  12. First, stop! are you nuts, anyone can play games, but fire is not a toy. The chance of this play getting out of hand is great. Get a job in a chemical lab if you want to burn things. I've had access to many chemicals, including sodium, which burns in water(Violently) to gun powder, and a variety of reactions. I can understand your fascination with fire, and although I have it too, my fun comes from safe play and more interesting results.

  13. Maybe you could get a job with a pyrotechnics company.  More towns seem to be setting off displays for more occaisions.

    You might also study electrical plasmas, its sort of like fire.  


  14. Do it outside where at least you will not be suffocated, die of inhalation, or set the building on fire.

    But do it where there are no combustible materials close by,

  15. good luck with your life

  16. Download one of those virtual fireplaces and put it on your desktop.

    ----A lot safer and not near as stupid

  17. NO, YOU CAN NOT MAKE A MINATURE INDOOR FIRE!It don't work that way, after you have started it there is no sure,safe way to control it, and it will rage out of control, and not only may it blow up in your face, but      it also will catch the potholer that you have this on, on fire, no its not a good idea to start a fire in your house, you may lose more than you will gain!It may take a little longer for the cork to catch but it catch on fire, then what will you do?Please, DO NOT PLAY WITH FIRE! It will be destructive to you in the end, it can serve NO GOOD PURPOSE! Find another dangerous game, like skate-boarding! or bike riding! STAY AWAY FROM FIRE!

  18. Burning paper produces dioxins, one of the most dangerous substances known to man, and the very same chemical responsible for causing all of the health problems associated with  the "Agent Orange" exposure in Vietnam. In addition to that, a slew of other carcinogens and neurotoxins are released into the air each time you burn paper. The bottom line is, you shouldn't do it. Is a few minutes worth of seeing some fire worth developing cancer later in life?

    If you MUST burn something, I would advise selecting more natural substances, like leaves or twigs. While carcinogenic particulates are still produced, what most people don't realize is that it's the dosage that determines the poison, and a once or twice a week transient exposure shouldn't cause you any detrimental health effects.

  19. i use oil and electric and have batteries

    fire extingishers and carbon monoxide detectors

    fully alarmed and well insured

    have notwrote a will

    too busy living  my life  [my way..

      no time  for  '

    i love life  *

    and  you can only  burn  a candle  on

    one side *

    go ahead  [thumb me down

    thumbelina *


    GOOD DAY * [[love Bites *~

    my  ,,Friend *  [the WIND *

  20. Not so smart of an idea, Why not save yourself problems. If you try that and get away without burning something down it will lead you on until you do something really stupid

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