
Can I make alcohol from just raisins and grape juice?

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I'm stuck overseas so i don't have access to a whole lot of the normal stuff used to make it.




  1. you need yeast.

    dad used to tell me about a jungle juice they made aboard ship. fuit juices and bread. The bread provided some yeast, the juices has flavor and much needed sugar.

    let it ferment and you will have jungle juice.

  2. no way!

    if grapes and raisins were alcoholic then they wouldnt encourage kids to eat tht kind'a friut would they?

  3. Your going to make yourself sick ding dong. Alcohol is made by yeast, it is the byproduct of yeast metabolizing simple sugars. Another byproduct is CO2. Yeast can not consume complex sugars. Complex sugars can be broken into simple sugars with heat and citric acid. Yeast has to be a certain temperature to metabolize sugars. Theres the basics now lets see if you are smart enough and hard up enough to figure out how to make booze. Thousands of inmates do it everyday.

  4. It's nice to be able to wait 2-months for a drink.  Truth is:  it can be done in an afternoon.  And why a balloon?  Why not just a gallon jug?  Practically anything can be used as long as you don't cap it.

    And, no you don't have to use wine yeast, beer yeast, champagne yeast or any other kinds of "special yeast" to get the job done.

  5. Sure, alcohol is a chemical process where sugars are converted to alcohol by a bacteria (yeasts).  The key is using the right bacteria as some will turn the sugar into an acid (vinegar) and also the hard part if you don't have access to a commercial source for the yeast.

  6. yes. Sugar from any source can be fermented into alcohol. All you need is yeast. The flavor may be lacking but it will get you a buzz. Try to get wine yeast for better results.

  7. yes

  8. yes,but you need to add yeast and let it set for about a month with the balloon. then you transfer into another container then add the sugar to taste let it sit for another month and you should be good to go. the longer it sits the second time the more alcohol content there will be.

  9. I hope I never get that hard up for booze. And where are you that you can't get any alcohol? I think I drank more in Yemen than I drank at home (since getting out of school anyway). Look up the social gathering spots for the international community or ask around the embassies.

    Your problem was bacterial contamination. Unless you have yeast to innoculate the must, you are in a crapshoot. If the bacteria get started, you get vinegar. The yeast in bread has been killed by heat. Your chances are better if you just use the yeasts on the raisins or fresh grapes. And do cover the mouth of the bottle; you want to keep out all the airborne bacteria. Good luck. You're going to need it.

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