
Can I make it as a pitcher?

by  |  earlier

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So i was talking to my cousin the other day about college baseball. hes from NC and played High school baseball against Josh Hamilton (In a game my cousin had 2 homers and josh only had 1 lol). He Played D1 baseball and was pretty good. but we were talking about how great pitchers and great catchers have the best chance at D1 ball. So i was thinking. Im pretty good at hitting/fielding/etc. But i never really thought about pitching. i pitched in a scrimmage in the spring and went 2 hitless innings with a walk. i have an average fastball im working on, but a nasty palmball. Should i stick with pitching? And any suggestions for a 3rd and 4th pitch to add on??




  1. uh your not giving enough detail. Whats your fastball clocked at? whats your size frame? how old are you? Do u have good control? power pitcher or junkballer?

    Add more stuff, ill edit my answer later..

    EDIT: So 66-69 is average. Your going to face pitchers who can throw 75 and some even higher.Dont throw a slider. Im almost 16 and have a great slider, but i only throw a couple times a game because i worry of injury. but keep working hard, throw every couple days and you might have a chance.

  2. sure you can...

  3. You just have to decide which you feel more comfortable with, which you think will give you the most success, and stick with it.

    No one can tell you the answer over the internet. Baseball is not played on paper, and neither is life.

  4. yes

  5. well you cant just pick up pitching out of no where but sure stick with it for a while and get used to and just keep working hard.

  6. Northeast you need to be pretty highly regarded to get any publicity because the competition we face is taken in to consideration( We are face much less high talent) also what are u clocked at?  How big are you? and do you have a developed off speed?

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