
Can I make jelly and then can it tomorrow?

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I am making a recipe for Peach Honey (peach juice + sugar + water, boiled to a honey consistency). I want to make the honey tonight because my fruit is starting to turn a little (the recipe calls for peach skins and I peeled the peaches yesterday). However, I can't can the honey tonight, as it is pretty late. Can I refrigerate the jelly (covered of course) and then can the stuff tomorrow afternoon?




  1. I have never heard of canning jelly.

    Canning is a different process than making jelly.

    If you make jelly as I do,  you would sterilize the jars

    (Put a large cake pan or small roaster on the burner

    with about 2 inches of water in it and put the jars in

    right way up.   Cover lightly with foil and boil gently till

    sterile... About 4 minutes of so.)  

    and pour the hot jelly into the hot jars and put the lids on

    right away.  That is all there is to it.  

    Let them stand on a newspaper pad overnight and put them

    away in the morning.

    Canning is when you put raw stuff into a sealer jar with a lid

    and then put into a canner with a lid and the water bath

    around the jars brought to a boil for a specified length of time.

    eg:  tomatoes process for about 35 minutes


  2. I've been busy canning for several weeks now, I tried the Peach Honey and it is fantastic!  

    I know it's late, but you have to can it all at once. Jars, food, lids etc have to be hot.  It only needs to be processed 10 min. in boiling water. The purpose for doing so is that the canner will reach 212 degrees or more which kills bacteria, yeast and mold.  It's not a step you want to skip. Some may be having success doing it differently and that's great, but I personally am not throwing my hard work down the drain by skipping the canning step or delaying it overnight.  Hope it goes well.

  3. It seems okay. If you have experience with different situations like this try to remember if it turned out perfectly fine or not so well.

  4. No, you need to do it all at once, while it's hot...sorry.

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