
Can I make money selling copper pennies to a recycler?

by  |  earlier

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They aren't good for much else.




  1. If you need to buy a loaf of bread and you are short 3 cents, do you think the strore is going to give it to you?????

  2. you have to prove that the pennies are copper and not zinc.

  3. Every penny that's made after 1982? has zinc in it. Copper is only used on the top cover.

  4. yup, if they are copper not zinc

  5. The genuine copper pennies--google the date--will be worth more as something to collect than as scrap copper.  Put them in a bucket and wait.  They'll creep up in value over time.

  6. Let me put my two cents in, after the pennies are all gone, no one could have a penny for your thoughts.

  7. your not going to make c**p if you sell

    it to the recycler  save it in tell they go up over

    time than sell it to a bank thats what i plan

    on doing with mine I got one from 1904

    or maybey 1913 I think  than I got one made

    form stell foom 1940  real still

  8. I'm pretty there's a federal law about destroying coins of the realm.  and I don't really think there's much copper in a penny anymore.  Copper is too valuable to use in pennies.  As you say they are pretty much worthless.

  9. Unlikely. If your time has any value whatsoever you're going to waste more sorting them than they're worth.

  10. no

  11. Most pennies do not really have a whole lot of copper in them, so selling them to a copper recycler will not do you much good.

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