
Can I make my parents less overprotective?

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First off, if you don't like reading long passages, don't even bother answering because I'm sure you're not going to get the details.

I'm 16 (turning 17 this year), never does anything bad, gets good grades, and they simply cannot let me go anywhere without being WITH THEM or my best friend (which kinda sucks because she's really busy, and I can only hang out with her every 3-4 weeks). For example, whenever they have to go somewhere, I have to go; I cannot stay home by myself. They didn't allow me to have an off-campus pass for school because my dad said I might "talk to boys". For my dad to say that I "might talk to boys" simply angers me. For one thing, I'm anti-social and I don't even talk to a lot of people.

I think the fact that they're too overprotective like this MADE me anti-social, ya know? It's like they're basically saying that they don't trust me to do ANYTHING. I've finally realized that what they're doing to me is crushing me... it's making me feel like they think little of me.

I know they're just trying to protect me, but I think it's just TOO MUCH.

Today my parents were in a rush, and told my THIRTEEN YEAR OLD brother that HE was in charge of the house. I was beyond angry. It makes me feel like I'm stupid.

I'm planning on hanging out with one of my guy friends at the mall. But if I told my parents that, they'd be like "oh, he's a GUY". If I simply lied to them and said that I'd be meeting up with my GIRL best friend, they'd have to actually come down the car and actually SEE if she's there... but I'm sure she wouldn't want to hang out with both ME and the guy. (that's how she is)

PLEASE help me. I'm getting tired of my parents!

Just wait until I'm 18...




  1. well since theyve already ruined ur life u might as well stay where u are cuz u wont make it anywhere in the real world because with parents like that u will have no real world knowledge tell them theyve  ruined ur life this is how my ex gfs parents were and now shes like a zombie to them she cant do a thing like you

  2. my parent are way worst than that they woudve not even let me go anywere not even with family members im 13

  3. Yea I ha a the same problem but I'm 12! Any advice to make my parents care less! Jim coin to 7th grade! I can't go anywhere with boys I can't dye my hair and can't wear makeup or anything!!! Pls help!

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