
Can I make the City move the water line?

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The City has an 8' easement on my property line. An old, 8" cast iron water line is buried 8 1/2" inside the edge of the easement - which makes it 30" from my foundation. Is there any way to make the City move the line to the center of the easement? I really do worry about this old pipe rupturing and filling my basement with water!




  1. Probably not. The city is within its rights. You can ask, and if they agree, they'll ask you to pay to move the water line. There are water pipes all over the place. Don't stress so much.  

  2. only if you are willing to pay for it yourself

  3. Yes you can. You have to make a really good case about it and present it to your local mayor or city manager. You may want to consult with a lawyer to draft an argument about potential lawsuit damages to the city if the waterline is left in its current dangerous state and causes future damages to your house.

  4. Probably not, you don't just move an 8" water line. It's not that easy. To move it a few feet from your property means moving it a few feet from everyone's property. This involves several days, maybe weeks, of digging and laying pipe, not to mention the inconvenience to your neighbors by having their water shut off for days. Then there's the problem of what else is buried under the city easement, there may a high pressure gas line in the middle, it will have to be moved first, maybe electrical lines or sewer lines. It's a very expensive and time consuming process, I doubt they'll go to all that trouble for six inches.

  5. I have no legal advice for you, only practical advice.  You can TRY to make the City move the water line, but it would be impractical to do so and impractical to expect the City to comply.  And if the easement is 8' and the water pipe is only 1/2 inch over the easement, there would be a dispute over where the measurement for the 8 feet begins and, well, it is a government entity, so you would lose.  

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