
Can I marry my Israeli boyfriend and apply for his green card dispite my criminal history?

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I have a felony and 2 misdemeanors. I am madly in love and would be devastated to know that there is no way around this. I must find a way to be with the man of my dreams. We are trying desperately to do everything we can, but we do not have much money for a lawyer to console with. I would greatly appreciate a valid answer to this question! GREATLY! And one more while I'm at it. I am not finacially stable to sign the papers for "sponsership" and we are looking for someone we know who is stable and willing to do this. I understand that this is only until the person is a citizen. Is there any way around this?

Oh you may want to know:

My boyfriend has been here in the USA legally for 5 months on a work Visa and it will be legal until October. We are looking to get married and have this taken care of BEFORE they try and make him leave. HELP! I can't lose the love of my life!






  1. Why don't you just go back to Israel with him?  What is the big deal?  If you love him so much, if he is the love of your life then that is all that matters. You go where he goes.  

    You can marry him in his Country.  Or marry here and leave with him. Make a new life for yourselves.

    I have a friend in England who is married to a Russian Jew and they spend a great deal of time in Israel. They love it there.  His Mother lives there still.  

    You would meet your bf's family and friends.  A wonderful experience for you.  One door closes another opens, that is how you should be looking at this.  

    He doesn't have to stay here for you to be together.  If you love each other  you can be together anywhere and have a good life.  It is a big world.  America isn't the only place to live.

    Gas is cheaper in Israel.

  2. No you can't due to your criminal history.

  3. Yes, you can marry, and file an immigrant visa petition,  like anyone else. Whatever crimes you may have committed don't prevent you from getting married.  As for the other question, the financial requirement is part of immigration law, and no, there is no way beyond that. You'll have to find a way to fullfill it.

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