
Can I mix breast milk with formula?

by Guest21368  |  earlier

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Mr pediatricians nurse told me I can mix breast milk in with formula but the lactation consultant said that the breast milk would loose important properties if mixed and to just give it to my baby in a separate bottle. What the heck is "ok"??




  1. I was told that you CAN mix.

  2. yesyesyesyesyesyesyes

  3. do not mix

  4. Yes!!! You can mix the fomula with the breat milk. . .Everything will be ok. . .

  5. i read that if you do want to mix, then you should mix the formula with water, and then the other half of the bottle with breastmilk.

      i remember that it's quite important that the formula is not put into the breastmilk by itself, it needs to be mixed with water as usual first. something about electrolytes. good luck!  

  6. If you want to prevent allergies stick with just breast milk.

  7. Give baby breastmilk first and then top off with formula.  If you mix them and baby doesn't finish the bottle- that's wasted breastmilk because you have to dump it.

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