
Can I mix the tile in my bathroom?

by  |  earlier

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We put porcelain tile on the floor and would like to put travertine on the backsplash to the jacuzzi bathtub. Design wise - is this ok or should we go with all the same tile? Thanks in advance.




  1. I would use all the same tile, maybe break it up with a border.

  2. It is do-able if you are using the same colour/style but it would probably be much nicer if you were to use the same tile. Try to make it as easy as possible when it comes to matching so you don't have a tough time later finding paint and decorations to match the tile.

  3. You sure can!  I like the look of something different much better than continuity, which to me, can seem rather blah :)

  4. Some of the nicest jobs I've done included different combinations of tile.  Two different areas like this definitely dont have to be the same.  Watch your color combinations.

    Your imagination is your limitation.  Have fun!

  5. depending on the color of the tile sure. i have seen many applications where they used a variety of tiles in one room and it look great. put them next to each other and see what you think. you are the only one who has to like it for now. ( until you sell the house) i spray painted the walls in my old kitchen metallic silver, put black and white tiles on the floor and blue cabinets. i loved it and so did one guy who came in and bought it later. it just takes one.

  6. try this site for bathroom remodeling

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