
Can I mix two different Vodka's together?

by Guest33526  |  earlier

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Can I mix 2 different brands together?

One is 37.5% the other is 22.5% or something.

Can I safely mix them together?

It's not the cheap stuff either.




  1. Vodka's vodka. Can't see a problem with mixing

  2. Go ahead and mix them, it probably won't taste to pleasing though.

  3. Yeah you can. Are you doing it for it to be stronger or because you don't have enough of each. It would probably taste real gross and  if you have the expensive stuff why would you want to kill the fine taste of either of them.  

  4. ER yeah but you will be really sick

  5. You could but why?

  6. I don't know why you would.  But people with drinking problems are frequently known to do things like that.

  7. No don't.  It will be exactly like the mixing Mentos and Coke discovery.

    The foam... The fizz...  The humanity...  

    When you use the word "safely" what in the h**l is your concern?  The fact you're mixing them shows you're not some vodka snob who only drinks the overpriced best and turns your nose up at others enjoying a drink.

    But you mentioning the ABV percents may mean something very strange.

    Get out the d**n orange juice and make yourself a stiff drink.

  8. what exactly are you making?

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