
Can I move my potted lavender indoors?

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I currently have a pot of lavender growing outside on my porch. When it starts getting cold outside, will it continue growing or can I move it inside?




  1. Yes!!  You sure can.  I researched this:

    "Along with the plants people normally think of as houseplants, herbs also make wonderful additions to an indoor garden. All you need is a sunny windowsill and pots that are 6 to 12 inches deep. Most herbs are easy to care for and are happy in the same conditions as most houseplants, and can be used fresh and dried. Here are a few to try.

    Dill- This fragrant herb has attractive, feathery foliage and does well in a sunny window. Look for the compact "Fernleaf" variety. Dill is delicious when used in egg, fish or chicken dishes, dips, and of course, pickles. Both the leaves and the seeds can be used.

    Oregano-This is another fragrant and popular herb. Choose the Greek variety, which forms an 8 to 12 inch mound. Oregano is fantastic in a wide variety of Italian and Mexican dishes

    Lavender- This herb is treasured for its beautiful and relaxing scent. The leaves can be dried and used in sachets and potpourri. Look for compact varieties such as Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast' ).

    Chives- This herb's grass like foliage adds a mild onion flavor to many dishes. It's especially good with potatoes, baked or mashed.

    Parsley-This herb is the world's most popular garnish and is also good for freshening breath after a spicy meal. Try varieties, the common "Curly Leaf" and the Italian version, known as "Flat Leaf" or Cilantro. Cilantro is a key ingredient in salsas and other Mexican dishes.

    Chamomile-This herb makes a wonderful tea and is also good for sachets and potpourri. It's known for its soothing, relaxing fragrance. It looks like grass until the small daisy like flowers appear.

    Mints- Peppermint and Spearmint both make great windowsill plants. In fact, if grown in the ground they will quickly take over the garden! They make great teas and are a popular flavoring for all kinds of beverages, baked goods, and even meats like lamb.

    Basil- This herb is a staple in Italian cooking. Look for the "Spicy Globe" variety as it stays nice and compact.

    When you've chosen your herbs, plant them in well draining potting soil and keep in a sunny windowsill. They'll need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight a day to flourish. Keep them away from drafts, and water only when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry. Don't overwater as this can actually dilute the flavor of the herb. Fertilize monthly with a liquid plant food. Make sure you follow the directions as too much fertilizer is can harm your plants. Mist occasionally if the air gets too dry. When you want to use an herb, simply use a pair of scissors to snip off what you need!"

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