
Can I move out of the state of CA with my 2 children

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What are the laws in relocating to another state from CA to another state with my children.




  1. no.  its illegal to move.

  2. This is not a question for this site I dont think.  You will need to contact an attorney asap BEFORE you leave.  Even if there is no custody order, you could still be charged for parental abduction and taking children across state lines, which i believe is a felony everywhere.  No one on this site can give your proper information.  Contact an attorney first.  

  3. No laws... You'll eventually have to get a different drivers license, but that is about it... I'm currently in California, moving to Oregon.

  4. Of course you can, and for the sake of the children you should.  

  5. If you have custody yes..

  6. If neither one of you has custody or if there is no custody order pending, then just leave. But, I would file custody asap when you get to where you are going. Its gonna get ugly real quick real fast.

  7. Unless there is some court order prohibiting it, then an adult is free to go.  If you have never been married and there is no court order granting visitation rights, then go.  Once the kids are gone if someone wants to apply for shared custody or visitation (and to pay support) they can do that in the state where the children are located, but no court will make you return to CA.

  8. Is Child Support and visitation involved? If so, you need permission from the court to do this. You could be charged with violating a court order if you move while visitation is in your original court order. I just read your additional info. If you move and then go on a Government assistance program, there will be legal problems. If you can make it on your own, and the Father is not contesting it, go for it.

  9. My experience is that CA has some of the strictest laws relating to parents leaving the state with children.  Everything depends on the specifics of what your custody is, if you were married or not, etc.

    I moved out of CA with my children, following my divorce. My ex had every right to ask (and get) it prohibited, however, he agreed beforehand, and it was specifically entered that way in the documents.

    If parents are married and not separated, leaving the state without consent of the other parent, can be parental abduction.

    Bottom line, is that if you move without consulting a lawyer and being ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, you may have big problems.  Anyone who tells you here that you can just leave, without knowing more than what you say here, is a pure idiot.  

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