
Can I obtain a restraining order against my 17 yr daughter's 19 yr boyfriend

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I need help. He told us his last girl friend died which to find out she didn't her mom put charges against him for phone harassment and other things,He has been verbally abusive and I am hoping he has not hit her yet. She say no but I cant believe that right now. I have asked him not to see her or her to see him. He has beaten his last room mate and she has pressed DV charges against him. My daughter thinks she can change him. Any advise out here.




  1. You can move for a restraining order at any time against anyone, however you have to have a strong enough argument to convince the judge to enter it.  It sounds like you have been in contact with the mother of the former girl friend and with the last room mate.  If you could get them to testify, that might be enough to convince the judge to enter the restraining order.  

    However, even if you get a restraining order, getting the police to assist you in enforcing it is another battle you will have to fight.  They will often not take any action because the person whom the restraining order is against has not broken the letter of the order, even though what they have done is intimidating, frightening and harassing.  

    I would recommend consulting with a lawyer who specializes in domestic law, especially in domestic violence matters.  They very well may give you an initial consultation for free, where they will give you their opinion as to whether they think you have enough evidence to get the order, whether the testimony of the others you mention will help, etc.  

  2. Your daughter is a minor and as such you can decide who she can and cannot associate with.

    You have already told him to stay away and he hasn't.  THAT ALONE is enough for a restraining order.  

    you don't need any other proof.  File for a restraining order with the court AND notify the police

  3. If you are looking for evidence try her cell phone text message inbox. When my parents wanted to get rid of the abusive a$$ i was dating they took my cell phone and forwarded all home calls to their cell phones, eventually he stopped calling. When they took my cell phone to the judge there were a bunch of messages from him saying that if he finds me then he is going to kill me for leaving him and if i have another boyfriend then he is going to kill him and me. The judge granted the order right away; abusive pieces of $hit think they can never get caught. We ended up filing for a protective order which is a lot better than a restraining order. He has only followed me one time i called the police and he had to spend 30 days in jail and if he was ever caught again then it would be 6 months in jail. My protective order lasts for 5 years and i can get it renewed at the end of the 5 years if i still feel threatened. Good luck.      

  4. Two words Smith Wesson.

  5. I would think since your daughter is still considered a minor you would have every right to get a restraining order, especially since the other mother has pressed charges against him.

    It is a shame that young girls who think they are in love and the boy loves them, think they can or will change. It usually never happens. This young man needs to be forced to back off and leave your daughter alone. Hopefully, she will see the light and won't continue this relationship with him. It sounds as though nothing good can come from them being together and her future happiness is truly at stake. Good luck.

  6. 1. Yes you can get a restraining order.

    2. Slap your daughter and tell her to wake up, she cannot change him.  I have lost count of the abused/dead women that thought they could "change him" I have dealt with over the years.

  7. Your daughter is exhibiting that sad behavior I see a lot in young women "Rescuing the Lost Puppy".  Except in this case, it's a Bull Terrier.

    It sounds like your young one is in danger.  She's a minor and you're responsible for her so it's incumbent on you to look out for her.  Since she's 17, strong arm tactics aren't likely to work but he's an adult and a restraining order may be in order especially since he has a history of violence.

    And an intervention is in order - you need to get your daughter sitting in the middle of a circle of older women who will explain to her that she can't "change" anyone, especially a man, if that person doesn't want to change themself.

  8. Sometimes it takes proof for a restraining order, but your daughter can't really do anything since she is under 18 and not a legal adult yet, so you may be able to do something, he should be in jail for harassment and assault.

  9. lol at batfood

    lady i would just say talk to the guy with your daughter and her dad present it would put him in a weird position and make him feel dumb and look dumb if your daughter feels she can change him then maybe she could i understand you don't want to take that risk. But still maybe god has put your daughter there to change that man's life. who knows?

  10. Make  the  call  to  your  Local  Police  station  and  get  info,  You  can.

  11. It is possible to get a restraining order, but it doesn't look like you have enough evidence for one yet.  The only thing you mention he has done directly to your daughter is verbal abuse.  The things that he has done to other people do not count in showing the need for a restraining order.

    She is 17, still a minor, and you still have every right to say who she can and cannot see.  In other words, you can still "restrain" her from seeing him.  It doesn't sound like you have exhausted all the steps possible yet to prevent her from seeing him.  You have that right; you need to exercise it before seeking a restraining order.

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