
Can I open my eyes under water while wearing contacts?

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I really really really want to open my eyes under water, but I wear contacts. I know I could possibly lose one, or both. But, how likely is it that it'll fall out?

Also, will the chlorine damage my contacts?

Anyone that does this, please let me know!





  1. I wouldn't.  They could float right out.  

  2. Yeah, you shouldn't wear them at all in the water, shower, any other wet place.

    I suggest to look up subscription goggles, like glasses underwater. Try amazon or something.

    Hope that helps!

  3. I've done it too many times accidentally. I don't recommend it. It's uncomfortable. They have never fallen out but I never open them for long. I suggest you wear goggles. I swim kilometres with goggles and nothing ever goes wrong.  

  4. No you cannot open your eyes under water with contact lenses. Actually, you're not even supposed to wear them while showering or swimming. The reason is that Contact Lenses are attracted to "wet", which is why they stick to your eye as soon as you touch the lens to it. Have you ever noticed that if your contact won't go in easily that you can add a few drops of solution and it will stick easier? This is why.

    So, to answer your question, it is EXTREMELY likely that you will lose your lenses if/when you open your eyes under water. Also, even if you didn't, the chlorine would completely dry out your lenses and you'd have to throw them away.

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