
Can I overcome selective mutism eventually if I continue to use affirmations like "I am confident..."?

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I'm VERY socially insecure :( And I have Social Anxiety Disorder. Can I fix this myself if I keep using these affimations every morning and throughout the day??? Then eventually I will become more confident and people will like me and then I will worry less right??

Or do I really have to go see a counselor?




  1. Seeing a counselor is a great idea, but you're on the right track. Keep telling yourself you're confident and amazing and you'll start to really believe it.  

  2. Affirmations do work, use them daily, but I think you need more than just that.

    Working with a counselor can be worthwhile to help you to get in touch with hidden feelings, to learn to see what you are doing & to help you stick to a doable plan for change.

    Specially when you are socially insecure it is a good experience to talk to a good listener and a wise and understanding person, who could also give you a tip or two.

    When one is available to you, you can ask for one first interview. You can decide whether you want to continue or not.

    Anyway you can continue on the path of change by yourself.

    You can always be inspired by reading  about the subject, the archives of this site you can find lots of advice. Use the green search bar on top of this page and search for shyness, anxiety, self esteem and self confidence. You'll find out that you are not alone with your issues and you will find useful advice about things to do.

    You'll find useful books on conversation and listening skills in your local library. Check them.

    Erika Hilliard has written an insightful and practical book you can use with or without a counselor.There is a chapter about affirmations in it & it showes you to what practical steps you can take towards change.

    Read on what readers say about it.

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