
Can I own a handgun at the ago of 20? ?

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I'm interested in a p22, and I realize I can't purchase it, but If my dad purchased it, would I be able to possess the firearm at a firing range without him there?




  1. Yes.*

  2. in a lot of states you can own one when you're 18 but can't buy one from a dealer until you're 21. So yeah your dad could buy one for you or you could buy one from a private seller

  3. yes. as long as you are 18 you can possess a handgun.  just like you said though, you can not purchase a handgun until you are 21 years old.  But....there are PRIVATE sellers that will sell to a person of at least 18 years of age.  

  4. Depends on where you live.

    Most* states allow for the handling of a handgun (i.e. firing it at a range) if the person is the age of 18, and posses all paperwork* (if applicable)

    Some states like California, where I live, you need a HSC which is a Handgun Safety Certificate. Which is the reason I put if applicable.  

  5. In NH you must be 21 to legally own a handgun. your dad can buy you one but it will be in his name until you are 21. at the age of 18 you can go out and buy a rifle, shotgun, or semi-auto and its perfectly legal...weird

  6. Federal law says yes.

    Your State may say no.

    Private party purchase you must be 18

    It is illegal for a dealer to sell to anyone under 21

    Your State must use the Federal law as the minimum but they can be more strict.

    If your in a free state then your good if you in commiefornia then forget it.

    As for the range? Some ranges will allow it some will not. That is up to the range

  7. yes, at the age of 18 you can be gifted a handgun, or you can purchase one in a 'face to face' transaction.

    However, make sure your dad gifts it to you.  If you recipricate by doing a bunch of yardwork, or donating $200 toward the family vaction fund, that is all good.

    Your dad buying the gun with the purpose of reselling it to you (or buying it for you with money you provide) falls into a grey area of the law.  Anyone other than a family member, that would be considered a straw purchase.  Your dad buying it for you at the age of 17 would be no big deal, even if you gave him money for it, because until you turn 18, everything that is given to you is still really your parents, so legally he is in the clear.  It's just that sticky 18-21.

  8. If you get caught with it  they will take it and posibly not give it back to your dad.

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