
Can I paint Cement Board?

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I'm putting in a new tub surround this weekend (gutting the bathroom wall and starting from scratch). After I put cement board on the studs and install the tub surround, there will be a space about foot high between the surround and the ceiling. The cement board will be exposed. Can I paint the cement board so it matches the colors of the bathroom? Do I need to buy special paint or something?

Obviously, I've never done this sort of thing before and I appreciate any advice I can get.




  1. yes prume it first then paint it with latex paint

  2. Your best best bet would be to put some spackle on it to cover all the little holes and ridges first.  Yes you can paint it, in that area a semi-gloss would probably be good since it's fairly water-proof.

  3. You may want to run the concrete backer only about 3' up that will cover the real wet part of the tub surround then just use the green sheet rock on the top. Tape and float it put the surround up then texture and paint. Use semi gloss paint all over your restroom area with a added mildew inhibitor even if the paint is mildew resistant. Just tell them you don't care you want to add it anyway.

  4. Just tile it

  5. Just tile it.. Now days you can get tile rather cheap and it's easy and it will look so much better...

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