
Can I park my Cessna 172 on my own driveway to save on airport fees.?

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Can I park my Cessna 172 on my own driveway to save on airport fees.?




  1. Probably only if you have a building to put it in.

  2. Nice plane, but unfortunetly unless you live on property as in acerage then i doubt you will be allowed to as council regulations would prohibit it. Sorry mate but id say you either park it an airport or have it put in a hanger but unfortunetly either way its gona cast you some money.

  3. The FAA could care less if that's your question. People make restaraunts out of the big suckers. If the airplane is not taxiing "for the purpose of flight" the FARs do not apply.

  4. Unless you live in a development with an airstrip and access facilities, you will need to check on local zoning ordinances.  You will also, of course, need a way to taxi to and from a runway.

  5. It depends on where you live. In my county there are more than a few local residents with their own landing strips which allows them the right to keep a plane on the property. Others have created airport communities where your home has access to an airport and the hanger is next to your home.

    However if you live in a seedy residential area perhaps the plane can be stored partly dismantled on your drive way if the local ordinance permits, but you would never be able to assemble it and taxi to the airstrip.

  6. i wouldnt think so, unless ur house is on a registered airstrip

  7. Sure, I don't see why not.  How you get it there may be a problem tho'

  8. depends on if its miniature?or how big your drive is fantastic and also good to hear from you hope all is well?take care

  9. I don't see why not,but I'd love to see you driving it home from the airport!

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