
Can I pay my credit card with a check that is endorsed to my name? thanks?

by  |  earlier

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I received a check




  1. Well, you could try but are you sure it is worth the headache that will surely follow a transaction like that one?

    Just pay the stupid thing it's minimum payment each month by online,telephone/bank machine or send a check "pay to the order of them not you" and you will never have a headache other than the robbery perpetrated by their interest rates.


  2. Don't bother trying to pay bills with a "third party" check.  Most places won't accept them.  Just deposit the check, wait a few days, and put your payment in the mail.

  3. Chances are they will not take it. Write your own check out yourself & deposit the check you received in your account.

  4. It's not worth the risk, if for some reason it bounces you will owe about $100 in fees. Write your own check and cash the check at the bank it was written on, or deposit in your own account. If it bounces then it should only cost you about $30

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