
Can I photograph inside of a store or a public setting?

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Can I photograph inside of a store or a public setting?




  1. It really depends. I tried to take a pic inside of a store once and they got veryyyy angry! Just be careful!

  2. Yes, but be aware that some stores get defensive about photography on their premises.  Since it's technically private property, they have the right to toss you out of the store.   They do not, however, have the right to confiscate your camera, film or memory cards, or to delete any images you made inside the store.    

  3. You have the right to photograph people in a public setting as long as the photos are not for comercial purposes. That does not mean necessarily that you have the right to photograph people in a store. The property owner has the right not to let you shoot on thier property. You can find a good page on photographers rights here

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