
Can I place free horse racing bets on exchanges?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am looking for a horse racing betting exchange, on which I can place horse racing bets for free. Can you help me, in finding a free horse racing betting exchange?




  1. Horse Racing Betfair Trading Advice

    Do you want to know how to obtain free horse racing bets on the exchanges? Do you want to place bets where it will be impossible to lose regardless of the outcome of the race? Take advantage of our limited free trial here at Free-Value and start being one of the winners today.

    The idea is very simple. Each day we identify horses whose odds before a race are overpriced i.e. a horse whose true chance of winning a race is lower than the odds on offer. You will be advised to back the horse at the available morning price and then lay the horse off when the market realises its true market value. This is what is known as TRADING.

    Trading is essentially betting on the movement of a horse's price. If you think that a selection's price will fall, you would back it now and lay it later at the lower price. As long as the price moves in the direction that you have anticipated, you will be able to lock in an immediate and certain profit. This trading process can be repeated several times within one event.

    Either wait until the price changes before closing out for a profit, or you can ask for the exit price you want and wait until it is matched. You can adjust the price and the stake of your horse at any time.

    You do not have to provide funds to cover your closing bet. This is because the exchange automatically treats the potential winnings from your first bet as the stake for your closing bet.

    Horse Racing Betfair traders also benefit from a reduced commission liability, as commission is payable on your overall market profit, as opposed to the profit from your winning selection.

    Betfair Trading Example - Taking A Profit

    We advise Betfair Help for £100 at 16/1. He is now trading at 6.5.

    To take make a no risk bet where you win if Betfair Help wins, and have your stake money returned if he loses, you would lay him for £100 at 6.5.

    By placing this bet you immediately get your stake money returned. If Betfair Help loses you gain or lose nothing. If he wins your net gain would be about £900.

    Betfair Trading Example - Win Win Situation

    We advised Betfair Bot is trading too high at 18.

    In this example you would want to lay Betfair Bot for more than you backed him for.

    By placing a win bet of £50 at 18 and then laying it off at a shorter price e.g 8  for more than £50 e.g £110 you would create a win-win situation where a profit is returned if Betfair Bot wins or loses.

    If Betfair Bot is successful, your net gain on the outcome would be about £80. If he loses, your net gain would be £60.

    How do we do it?

    There is no great secret to arriving at the selections. We use the sophisticated time analysis and horse racing ratings service developed by Racing Research (available to the general public), our own custom-designed market analysis tools and draw upon our vast experience accumulated over the years in the horse racing industry. To read more about racing research this is a nice article.

    Here at Free Value we work hard analysing the day's horseracing to arrive at our our original selections and provide subscribers with the best Betfair or Betdaq horse racing advice of the day.

    So you're a horse racing fan eh?  Get all the latest news and information on free Grand National Bets and events like Cheltenham betting and Aintree Grand National odds from the official Betfair sports blog.

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