
Can I plant an avocado seed directly into a pot with good wet soil ?

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I have tried letting them sprout in water but it never seems to work for me.




  1. Might sound like a silly question to you, but, when you tried to root the seed in water, was the broad end of the seed in the water?

    If so, that was correct.  When a seed doesn't develop roots using that method, the seed wasn't viable.  You should see sprouts within a few weeks.

    When planting directly into soil, peel off the brown colored peel from the seed.

    Cut off approximately 1/4" from the bottom of the seed to hasten germination.

    In a large container, add soil to about 2/3 full, add the seed then cover with soil.  

    Again, if the seed is viable, it should germinate in a couple weeks.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. It works, but don't waste the time.

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