
Can I plant this potato!?

by  |  earlier

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Heh heh

I came home from a week away and found my sweet potato ( and usually this happens to my bag of white potatoes too) has grown some impressive roots. They are about 6 inches high! Leaves too!

I want to know if I can plant this and how. Can I put it in a pot? Which way do I plant it?! Will anything grow or will I just get a really impressive bunch of leaves and rootylookingtubey stalks?





  1. You can plant it but not in a pot, it takes space for the sweet potatoes to grow large enough to be worth harvesting.

    Just bury the whole thing about an inch beneath the surface.  Do not worry about which side should go up, the plant knows.  Try to gently spread the roots or stalks around a little bit.  If you haven't grown potatoes before in the spot you plant it you probably will not need to fertilize it this year.

    Mos potatoes need some fairly cool nights so if you live in a hot area try to plant it where it starts getting shady earlier in the day.  Also keep the ground moist.

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