
Can I play a DVD video movie from my computer disk holder?

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I can play CD music in my computer disk holder and I was told that I could also play a DVD movie on my computer too. But I just now tried it and I'm not having any luck. Why can't I play my DVD movie on my computer??




  1. Hi Gottaloveher,

    It seems like your computer has a CD drive, and can only read CD's, you'll have to buy a install a DVD drive into your computer in order to watch your DVD movies..

  2. Is there a DVD logo on the front of the drive?  If not, no chance it can work as the laser reader has to be different to read DVDs in addition to CDs.

    If it does say DVD on the front, put a DVD in and see if the computer even recognizes something is installed.

  3. It looks like you've got a CD drive rather than a CD / DVD drive, so there's no chance you can play DVDs in it.  You can buy a new DVD drive for less than the price of a new DVD, so that's the way I'd go.

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