
Can I play blu ray discs on a normal tv?

by  |  earlier

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If I buy a PS3, can I play blue ray discs on a normal tv, i don't have enough cash for an hdtv yet, so i was wondering if I could do that?




  1. Yes. However, if you have your PS3 (acting as a blu-ray player) connected to a normal TV, the highest resolution you can get is 480p. Blu-Ray is meant for a resolution of 1080p. However, the ps3 will downconvert the resolution to match that of your tv. But if your ps3 is doing that, it won't look any better than a standard dvd. So don't waste your money buying blu-rays if you dont' have an HDTV. A Regular DVD will look the same until you're able to get an HDTV.

  2. You can...but the quality wont be that good conpared to a LCD & HDTV

    Dont have a HDTV as well LOL

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