
Can I please get help with quote explanations? ?

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“Difficulties are meant to rouse not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” William Ellery Channing

“When I use a word Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean; neither more nor less.”- Lewis Carol




  1. i think 1st one means''  human spirit human grows much more stronger spiritually and mentally when they go through difficulties so its encouraging

    and 2nd one means   when i use word humpty dumptry in serious tone it means what i want it to mean for someone else nothing more

  2. Channing is trying to express that challenges in our life are meant to make us stronger and wiser, so not to become discouraged or bitter because of them.  

    Carol means that you shouldn't over-analyze or try to look to deeply into things that people may say.

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