
Can I plug-in portable airconditioner having 1200Watt in regular power outlet in my room?

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Can I plug-in portable airconditioner having 1200Watt in regular power outlet in my room?




  1. if the cord has a plug with the same configuration than that of the wall socket then go for it, i would however purchace a powerstrip and use it between the airconditioner and the wall, that way if there is power surge your airconditioner will be protected and if any other things in your house are pluged into the same power strip it will also help to save those electronics. try not to overload your outlet though, if you have a t.v. or computer use another outlet to help distrubute the electrical load.-blurey

  2. That is about the same wattage as a good hair dryer. You only need to remember that your wall plug is part of a circuit of plugs and/or lights, so you have to be careful of what else is powered on that circuit so as not to overload it. Each 100 watts is about 3/4 amp. 1200 watts =about 8 amps.Be safe.

  3. 120 volts x 15 amps = 1800 watts  available if nothing else is on that breaker.   A light bulb is only 100 watts. If the plug fits the outlet  then you are okay.

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